Badam Cashew Burfi – Kaju Badam Katli

October 20, 2019 Diwali SweetsSweets/Desserts  No comments

Badam Cashew Burfi or Katli whatever u call it is an exotic sweet that calls for very less ghee. To be precise just a teaspoon or two. This Badam Cashew Burfi is a simple one, meaning NO SUGAR SYRUP CONSISTENCY is required making it doable even for beginners. Can be made in just 20 mins so not much kitchen time during this busy festival season. How easy is that?! I have already posted a similar recipe of Kaju Katli but with 1 string consistency. Tried this version without that and came out perfect too. Check out the video..

Here is the video..


Now to the recipe..


Badam Cashew Burfi My Magic Pan


[Preparation Time-10 mins : Cooking Time- 20 mins]

Badam Cashew Burfi Ingredients:

  • Cashew – 1/2 cup
  • Badam – 1/2 cup (see tips)
  • Sugar – 1/2 cup
  • Water – 1/4 cup
  • Ghee – 1 tsp


Badam Cashew Burfi My Magic Pan



  • Take Badam and Cashew in a mixer and grind it into a fine powder. Take sugar and water in a pan and start heating it.

  • Let the sugar dissolve completely and come to a boil. There is no consistency required. Add the ground powder and mix well. Make sure there are no lumps. Keep stirring in medium flame.

  • Add 1 tsp of ghee and mix. It will start thickening. Stir continuously in low-medium flame. In a stage the mixture will become thick like a dough and start leaving the sides of the pan. Wet your hands and pinch a small piece of the mixture to check if you can roll it into a non sticky ball.This is the correct stage. Switch off the flame.

Badam Cashew Burfi My Magic Pan

  • When it is still warm, knead the mixture into a smooth & soft dough. Roll the dough in a flat greased tray and cut them into diamonds. I used a pizza cutter to slice it. It was super easy this way.

Badam Cashew Burfi My Magic Pan


Thats it! Sumptuous Badam Cashew Burfi ready.



Badam Cashew Burfi My Magic Pan



  1. NO SUGAR SYRUP CONSISTENCY IS REQUIRED. Just let the sugar dissolve/boil and add the powder.
  2. When u grind the cashews & badam, do it at a stretch until it is a fine powder. If u over-grind, it will become like a paste. Its ok if there are tiny bits.
  3. I have used badam with skin. If u want u can soak, peel, dry and then powder it.
  4. It tasted good with the skin of badam. So nothing wrong in it.
  5. While kneading the mixture into a dough if its dry/crumbly add a few tsps of milk to get the right consistency. Mine was just fine so did not add milk. But do not be tempted to add more milk.
  6. Kneading the dough while it is warm is very important. Only then u will get a smooth texture.
  7. If u add milk, refrigerate the kaju badam katli as shelf life will be less.


Badam Cashew Burfi My Magic Pan

– By Sundari Nathan

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