Category DIY

How to make Aloe Vera Oil at home – Aloe Vera Oil Recipe

March 3, 2023 DIY  2 comments

Aloe Vera is a wonder plant. We do have a great looking one at home, which I grow indoors owing to the cold weather here. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It can be used to heal wounds and is perfect when made as an oil for hair, skin and face. So lets see How to make Aloe Vera Oil at home. I have been wanting to share this post since a long time as we use have been using homemade aloe vera oil for a long time now. It is very simple and much better than the store bought ones which may contain preservatives or chemicals. This aloe vera oil can be used for hair, face and skin. This is the first ever recipe which is not edible on my website 🙂 Do check out the video to make efficient use of the aloe vera without any wastages!

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